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Semester 1/2022 Students: Student Course & Teacher Evaluation Survey

Semester 1/2022 Students: Student Course & Teacher Evaluation Survey

by Valentine Hazelman -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Semester 1/2022 Students,

The university-wide teaching and learning evaluation exercise is in progress. This survey provides a channel for you to voice your opinions about the quality of learning and teaching at FNU. The university values your feedback to this anonymous and confidential survey. Please take a moment to fill the survey activated on your Semester 1/2022 Moodle Dashboard next to each of your course page links for the semester. Click Attempt Survey and proceed with your survey responses. Once completed, click Submit. 

The survey is available from 3 June to 3 July, 2022. Each survey takes 5-10 minutes per course to complete.

For further information or queries, please contact the Manager Planning & Business Intelligence on Email | Extension 2017

** Download the flyer here. **

Thank you for your time.

Department of Planning & Business intelligence,
Office of the Vice-Chancellor.