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Managing Exam Anxiety

Managing Exam Anxiety

by Valentine Hazelman -
Number of replies: 0

What is Exam Anxiety?

Exam anxiety is the experience of feeling an intense moment of fear or panic before and/or during an exam or assessment. It is characterized by feelings like “going blank”, thinking “I can’t do this” or believing “I should give up”.

1st: Take care of yourself

  • Eat well and drink sufficient water.
  • Get adequate rest.
  • Take time out to relax.

2nd: 5Ps – Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

  • Doing practice tests or exams from previous years.
  • Approaching your lecturers to clarify the exam format.
  • Confirming the location of the exam and leaving sufficient travel time.

3rd: Control Yourself

  • Deep Breathing: Taking deep breathes, sends messages to the brain to begin calming the body and it is a natural way of relaxing yourself.

4th: Reassure Yourself

  • Self-talk: Give yourself positive and encouraging messages: ‘Relax, concentrate, it’s going to be OK’, ‘I’m getting there, nearly over’.

Going Blank:

  • Don’t waste time!
  • Don’t try too hard to remember.
  • Switch to a different question.
  • Keep writing: Ask yourself questions to help focus you: How? When? What? Where? Why?

Running out of Time:

  • Don’t leave blank spaces for answers. Write something to get some marks.
  • Keep calm.

All the best in your exams!

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Please feel free to contact your FNU Counsellors:

  • Varsha Naidu | Nasinu Campus, Suva | Mobile: 896 0857 | Email:
  • Kantha Mani | Natabua Campus, Lautoka | Mobile: 891 0854 | Email:
  • Jessica Singh | C Block, Room HC1005, Namaka Campus, Nadi | Email:
  • Taraivini Tavakaturaga | Staff Room, Naduna Campus, Labasa | Email:

Office of the Registrar.