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STUDENT SURVEY: Cyberbullying Among University Students In Fiji

STUDENT SURVEY: Cyberbullying Among University Students In Fiji

by Valentine Hazelman -
Number of replies: 0


This voluntary survey relates to experiences of online harassment and cyber-bullying among university students in Fiji. This survey has 5 sections and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. This study is a collaboration between the Fiji National University (FNU), the University of the South Pacific (USP), and the University of Fiji (UoF). The purpose of this study is to explore:

  1. the understanding of the concept of cyberbullying among university students;
  2. the pervasiveness of cyberbullying among university students; and
  3. their attitude towards reporting cyberbullying.

The research/ethics approval (FNU-HREC-21-20) has been obtained from the FNU's Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor Research.

Your responses to this voluntary survey will remain anonymous. No one will be able to identify you or your answers, and no one will know whether or not you participated in the study. No names or identifying information would be included in any publications or presentations based on these data, and your responses to this survey will remain confidential. Data collected from this study will be utilised to prepare academic articles, develop workshops or training resources, and assist in developing policies.

If you choose to participate in this survey, you can go into the draw to win mobile top-up vouchers.

Survey link: 

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