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Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

by Valentine Hazelman -
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With the COVID-19 Pandemic and the ‘new normal’, addressing mental health issues and maintaining mental well-being are of great importance.

Research has shown that regularly doing the following 5 things are important to maintaining one’s ‘Wellbeing’:

  1. CONNECT: foster good relationships;
  2. BE ACTIVE: be physically active;
  3. KEEP LEARNING: learning new skills can build self-confidence and self-esteem;
  4. GIVING TO OTHERS: small acts of kindness and gratefulness, giving of your time, volunteerism;
  5. TAKE NOTICE: be mindful of the moment, helps us to enjoy the world around us better and understand ourselves.

The Office of the Registrar, together with the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences (CMNHS) and the FNUSA in collaboration with Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services will be celebrating ‘Mental Health Month’ that will begin on September 10th, World Suicide Prevention Day and culminate on October 8th, marking World Mental Health Day, which is commemorated on October 10th. During this month, various activities related to mental health and wellness will be organized at different FNU campuses.

All staff and students are invited to attend the following activities:

** View or download the programme of activities here **

"There is no health without mental health."

Office of the Registrar.