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FNU Resumption: 30 June 2020

FNU Resumption: 30 June 2020

by Valentine Hazelman -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all

Further to the statement by Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama announcing ‘Phase 2’ of Fiji’s COVID-Safe Economy Recovery on Sunday 21 June, the University’s Senior Management Group met this morning, and the following plans have  been outlined for the safe opening of all Campuses to all staff and students:

Opening of Campus Facilities

The University is currently in the midst of the Exam/Assessment week for Semester one students; therefore, no active teaching is taking place. However, from 30 June, all University facilities such as ICT Labs, Libraries, Cafeteria etc. will be open for students to utilise. Keeping in mind the national curfew hours, please be advised that the campuses will close at 8 pm daily.

Semester two will begin on 6 July for CMNHS students and 13 July for others in blended mode. Recorded lectures will also be available on Moodle as well where possible. Academic staff will be on Campus for consultation during office hours. Please contact your Course Coordinators for specific details on your course.

Safety Measures

The University has implemented mandatory temperature checks at all Campus entry points. In adhering to the Government’s directives, social distancing must be practised on Campus and lecture/tutorial numbers will be kept to less than 100 students. 

Students are encouraged to download the CareFiji app for contact tracing. This can be downloaded using the following link:

Student Accommodation

Hostel students are requested to liaise with the hostel supervisors to discuss hostel occupancy issues. Alternatively, they may contact the Manager Accommodation on mobile: 9920736 or email: the earliest. 

Flexible Payment options for Semester 2

The University is acutely aware of and sympathises with the declining financial status of some of our students and their families brought about by job losses and the global economic downturn. To provide some relief during these trying times, the University is allowing students to enrol into Semester 2 by entering into a payment plan that will allow for flexible fee payment options. Please contact the Finance Office for more details.


All staff are expected to resume work on-site from 30 June. Deans and Directors may call their team in earlier if needed.

If any student is facing any difficulty or requires specific details relating to their course, please contact your Course Coordinator or Dean for further clarification or assistance.

Finally, I would like to thank FNU students and staff for the exemplary display of teamwork, compassion, good judgement and integrity shown during these unprecedented times. It is these qualities that have enabled FNU to maintain a steady course during this period of turbulence. On a personal note, I am looking forward to seeing you on Campus once again.

Please keep checking your FNUPR emails, official FNU social media pages and the website for updates.

Professor James Pounder
Acting Vice-Chancellor, FNU.