What is Mental health?
- It represents our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing.
- It influences the way we think, feel and act.
- Determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices.
- It is crucial at every stage of life.
Why is Mental Health Important?
Positive mental health allows people to:
- Realize their full potential
- Cope with the stresses of life
- Work productively
- Make meaningful contributions to the community
Symptoms of poor mental health:
- Emotionally unstable and easily upset
- Apprehensive, suspicious and insecure
- Self-critical, empowered with a feeling of guilt
- Lack of self-confidence and willpower
- Having difficulties in adjustment
- Unresolved conflicts, strain and stress
- Unrealistic attitude towards life and people
- Lives in imagination and fantasy
What can I do to help protect my mental health?
- Play: Learn to do something new and fun
- Know your limit: Don’t overdo things, and have quiet time. Turn off the cell phone, TV etc.
- Practice stress management and other self-care strategies: Know when and where to get help as soon as you suspect you need it, from a trained counsellor or through a medical referral.
FNU Counselling Services is available. Contact:
- Varsha Naidu: Disability Centre, Nasinu Campus Mobile: 896 0857 | Email: counsellor-vn@fnu.ac.fj
- Kantha Mani: E Block, Natabua Campus Mobile: 891 0854 | Email: counsellor-km@fnu.ac.fj
Other Available Support Services Helplines:
- Lifeline Fiji (toll Free): 132 454
- Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre: 331 3300/ 920 9470
- Domestic Violence Helpline (Toll Free): 1560
- Empower Pacific (Toll Free) 5626
- Medical Services Pacific (MSP): 991 0894
- Ministry of Health: Stress Management Ward CWMH 331 3444 | Lautoka: 666 0399 | Labasa: 881 1444
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