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Be Resilient

Be Resilient

by Valentine Hazelman -
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Anxiety and stress can have severe consequences for our mental health and psychological well-being.

Increase Your Psychological Resilience
Specific strategies can increase your resilience and encourage new emotional strengths. The following tips can help you deal with life’s difficulties, including a pandemic.

  1. Identify how you coped with a crisis before
    Identify your coping strengths. What crisis have occurred in your life, and how did they affect you? How did you cope, and did your coping style work? Are there other ways you might cope?
  2. Foster healthy attitudes and beliefs
    Although crisis and difficult circumstances are stressful, it is possible to overcome them. Look for all ways unfortunate situations can be improved and focus on problem-solving. Be positive.
  3. Choose nurturing and healthy behaviours
    Identify your goals and move toward them, although progress may seem slow at times. Take decisive action in protecting and preparing yourself and your loved ones. Do not let the pandemic situation make your choices for you.
  4. Professional help
    Seek professional mental health care for yourself or your loved ones if you or they experience:
    - Loss of sleep, frequent nightmares or disruptive and intrusive thoughts.
    - Feelings of depression or feelings that lead to an inability to engage in usual activities.
    - Disorientation, extreme memory difficulties; or losing awareness of time, date and place.
    - Hallucinations or delusions, such as hearing or seeing things that are not there, extremely unrealistic thinking or excessive preoccupation with an idea or thought.
    - A previously identified mental health condition is recurring or becoming worse.
  5. Stay informed
    - Be aware of the status of the pandemic in the media.
    - Seek information on public services that may close, requiring you to plan.
    - Follow updates provided by local public health authorities and personal health care providers.
    - Stay in touch with others by telephone, e-mail and other means should you be unable to get around due to movement restriction measures.


Kantha Mani
E Block, Natabua Campus, Lautoka
Mob: 891 0854 | Ph: 666 7533 | Ext: 7828 | Email:

Varsha Naidu
Counselling Room, Disability Centre, Nasinu Campus
Mob: 896 0857 | Ph: 339 4000 | Ext: 2979 | Email:

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