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FOR CBHTS STUDENTS & STAFF: General rules & guidelines to manage the re-opening of campuses in a safe and controlled manner

FOR CBHTS STUDENTS & STAFF: General rules & guidelines to manage the re-opening of campuses in a safe and controlled manner

by Valentine Hazelman -
Number of replies: 0

Dear College of Business, Hospitality & Tourism Studies (CBHTS) Students & Staff,

Greetings to you all. As you may have heard, our Prime Minister, Hon. Voreqe Bainimarama has announced the re-opening of tertiary institutes at a reduced capacity of 70% for fully vaccinated staff and students from the 4th of October 2021.

The purpose of this letter is to communicate some general rules and guidelines for all our CBHTS staff and students in order to manage the re-opening of campuses in a safe and controlled manner:

  1. A return to campus will be in stages, beginning with students who need to complete practical assignments that cannot be done online. If you are in one of these groups, you will be contacted by your Department, School or College. If the College has not contacted you before Friday 1st October, please do not come to campus: you will continue with your classes online through zoom.
  2. Online classes will remain the primary mode of curriculum delivery for the College until the end of Semester 2, 2021.
  3. Assessment plans approved by Senate at the beginning of the Semester will remain in place. That means there will be no face-to-face final paper examination, but there will be alternative assessments, as decided before.
  4. The College will not send any student for industrial attachment in 2021. Those students who are graduating in December need to contact the respective head of departments, through office administrators, for an alternative industrial attachment plan.
  5. Staff visits to any of the FNU Campuses are subject to Acting Dean’s prior approval or as per the roster decided by the schools. If staff have not been given explicit instruction to visit a campus, they should continue working from home.
  6. There will be no general access to libraries or ICT labs, except for students who are specifically requested to return to campus. Cafeterias and gyms will remain closed until the national guidance permits their safe re-opening.
  7. Students who have been contacted by the College and are allowed to enter the campus for practical classes will be required to show proof of vaccination status and their FNU identification card to security at the campus entrance. Failure to show both documents will result in refusal of entry. This is to protect all students and staff. Please allow extra time to enter the campus to facilitate these checks.
  8. Only students and staff who have been fully vaccinated (or who have proof that they have been granted exemption from vaccination) will be permitted to enter FNU premises.
  9. All students and staff must adhere strictly to all the COVID-19 safety protocols while on campus:
    • A face covering must be worn at all times.
    • 2-metre social distancing must be observed at all times (teaching spaces have been reconfigured, and room capacities reduced to maintain social distancing).
    • The CareFiji app must be installed and activated on your device.
    • Please wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a hand sanitiser (sanitiser stations will be installed throughout campuses.

Students should check their University emails, Moodle pages, Social Media pages & the University website for information about which units will resume face-to-face teaching and a list of FAQs to assist you further.

Should you have any issue regarding this communication, please do not hesitate to contact undersigned.

  • Dr. Asaeli Tuibeqa, Act. Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, CBHTS (email):
  • Ms. Vaviola Matakasa, Senior Executive Officer, CBHTS (email):
  • Ms. Helen Savena, School of Hospitality & Tourism Studies, CBHTS (email):
  • Ms. Ana Rokomokoti, School of Accounting & Law, CBHTS (email):
  • Mr. Melvin Chand, School of Economics & Finance, CBHTS (email):
  • Ms. Suman Narayan, School of Management, CBHTS (email):

** Download the letter here. **

Take care and stay safe.

Dr. Avanish Shukla 
Acting Dean Acting Associate Dean
College of Business Hospitality & Tourism Studies.


Dr. Asaeli Tuibeqa
Acting Associate Dean Learning & Teaching
College of Business Hospitality & Tourism Studies.