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CEST Students: Important Notice on the Industrial Attachment (IA)

CEST Students: Important Notice on the Industrial Attachment (IA)

by Valentine Hazelman -
Number of replies: 0

Dear CEST Students for Quarter 2 & Semester 1, 2021, 

Due to the current and unforeseen consequences of Covid-19 pandemic, CEST is taking a flexible approach for accepting industrial attachments for all of its programmes including both courses with or without credit points. The Senate approved the following solutions for helping our students in 2021:

1. Industrial attachment workbook will be accepted for those students who have completed more than two-thirds of the required industrial attachment (IA);  

2. Those students who completed less than two thirds of their industrial attachment can complete their industrial attachment by filling up the gap between the completed part of industrial attachment and the two-thirds of their IA, as follows, depending on the curriculum, by combining the following on-line study forms:

a. Students may be provided by relevant video links. Students have to write reports after watching videos, and have to answer questions based on watching videos;
b. IA relevant Zoom sessions will be organized by respective Schools;
c. Students may work on a multiple design project and present the design by report and video;  
d. Students may conduct research work which can address existing problems faced by our industry.

3. Students who wish to start their industrial attachment in semester two, will be provided with alternative IA if industry is not ready to accept CEST’s students. This may be changed back to normal IA after restrictions are lifted and/or industry recovered. The logbooks will be handled accordingly;

4. Students are requested to contact their respective lecturers/HODs/HOSs. The start date, end date, and tasks completed in the industry or over the alternative IA have to be recorded in the logbook or Mahara.

Kind regards,
Professor Tibor Pasinszki,

Dean CEST.