Site announcements

Issues with Turnitin

Issues with Turnitin

by Valentine Hazelman -
Number of replies: 1

We wish to inform all students and teachers that there is currently an issue with Turnitin. Due to the massive number of assignment submissions to the Turnitin repository, Similarity Reports are taking longer than usual to be generated. 

We are currently working closely with Turnitin to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please be reminded of the flexibility FNU has applied to assessment submissions during this time.

We apologise for the inconvenience and will update you once the issue is resolved.

For further queries, please contact

Centre for Flexible & E-Learning &
Division of ICT.

In reply to Valentine Hazelman

Turnitin Issues Resolved

by Valentine Hazelman -
The Turnitin issue reported on 28 May 2021 has been fully resolved. Similarity Reports should now be generating normally. Thank you for your patience; we apologise for the inconvenience.

For further queries, please contact

Centre for Flexible & E-Learning &
Division of ICT.