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Online Learning Tips

Online Learning Tips

by Valentine Hazelman -
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Being an online student may not have been what you had expected. You may feel unprepared, worried and even alone. By following these techniques, you can have a great chance of being successful.

  1. Make a Study Plan - Divide everything up during the week so you know what to complete on a daily basis. Review materials in small portions so you’re not cramming everything into one day or stressing trying to get everything done at the last minute.
  2. Find a Quiet Space - Create peaceful space for yourself. You need to designate an area that is free of distraction. Discussing your “quiet zone” with your family or friends may be beneficial
  3. Eliminate Distractions - A good strategy for success is to turn off all distractions. Log off social media and turn off the TV, radio and phone and focus on the work.
  4. Use Online Resources - Learn about your university website so you know how to access your library, upcoming classes in Moodle, website info, technical support, and more.
  5. Take Notes -  Just like in a traditional classroom setting, taking notes may make it easier to remember the important pieces of information you will need to retain.
  6. Take Breaks - Maintain regular breaks to avoid strain (and make sure your study space is set up correctly). Do the work when you are in the right frame of mind (online studies are more flexible so you can do this).
  7. Connect with Others - Email your lecturer, post in the forums, text your classmates - use all available communication options to ensure you are getting what you need from the course.
  8. Meet/ Beat Deadlines - Finishing your work before due dates means more time to ask questions or make improvements. The flexibility of online study should allow you to review and critique your work before turning it in.

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  • Kantha Mani
    E Block, Natabua Campus, Lautoka
    Mob: 891 0854 | Ph: 666 7533 Ext. 7828 | Email:

  • Varsha Naidu
    Counselling Room, Disability Centre, Nasinu Campus
    Mob: 896 0857 | Ph: 339 4000 Ext. 2979 | Email:

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