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Anxiety vs. Covid-19

Anxiety vs. Covid-19

by Valentine Hazelman -
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Fear and anxiety during a disease outbreak can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions.

Anxiety is an emotional response to an anticipated future threat. There is a lot of uncertainty and physical isolation, being alone with your thoughts
can be more distressing than ever.

It is okay to have anxiety. You are not alone. Taking care of yourself can help manage your anxiety.

  1. Take a break from reading and hearing about the pandemic. Being bombarded with huge amount of information can be very upsetting.
  2. Take care of your body. Breathe deeply, stretch, meditate, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep, avoid alcohol or drugs.
  3. Get into your hobbies or learn something new.
  4. Connect with others. Talk about your concerns and how you feel. This would normalize your anxiety, since others also feel as you do.
  5. Write down your worries. It can help identify realistic concerns, making it easier for problem solving and eliminating obstacles.


  • Know the facts about COVID-19. Do not overload with fake information.
  • Follow all safety protocols diligently.
  • Make the necessary changes to daily life.

Please feel free to contact your FNU Counsellors:

  • Kantha Mani
    E Block, Natabua Campus, Lautoka
    Mob: 891 0854 | Ph: 666 7533 Ext. 7828 | Email:

  • Varsha Naidu
    Counselling Room, Disability Centre, Nasinu Campus
    Mob: 896 0857 | Ph: 339 4000 Ext. 2979 | Email:

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