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Managing Homesickness

Managing Homesickness

by Valentine Hazelman -
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For many FNU students the start of the academic year means moving away from home for the first time. Some have moved into our hostels while others are renting close to campuses. This is a start of a whole new experience which can be both exciting and a daunting one. Some students may experience homesickness a few days after arriving at their new accommodation and for others it may take a few weeks. You are never too old to miss your home.

Feeling homesick is common and may involve the following:

  • feeling alone and lonely,
  • constant thoughts about home,
  • withdrawing from friends and/or social activities,
  • feeling unmotivated and unwell,
  • feeling you don't belong.

Quick Tips:

  • Acknowledge you may be feeling homesick. You are not alone. Others may feel similar to you. Give yourself time.
  • Be realistic about your expectations. You are allowed to feel sad. Adjusting to the new environment takes time.
  • Keep in contact with people back home, either by phone, letter or email. Set dates to go home.
  • Get involved in university activities. This is a great way to gain a sense of belonging and meet people.
  • Talk to your FNU Counsellor. They are aware of the issue of homesickness and are there to support you.

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  • Dharnesh Raman | Uniclinic, Waimanu Road | Suva | Mobile: 896 0856 | Phone: 339 4000 | Ext: 3404 | Email:
  • Varsha Naidu | Counselling Room, Disability Centre, Nasinu Campus | Mobile: 8960857 | Phone: 339 4000 | Ext: 2979 | Email:
  • Kantha Mani | E Block, Natabua Campus | Lautoka | Mobile: 891 0854 | Phone: 666 7533 | Ext: 7828 | Email:

Counselling Services,
Office of the Registrar.