Enrolment options

This course is designed to build and further develop a range of musical skills, technical knowledge and understanding of music concepts acquired in MUS501. There are four components. These include grade 4 Rudiments of Music.The second component is classroom Instruments where keyboard is introduced for the first time. The third component is Instrumental Tuition in brass where trainees are expected to showcase skills gained from this unit in a recital at the end of the semester.The final component is Musicology. Trainees will study the development of Western Music from Ancient ages to the music of the 21st century where composers that brought about significant changes in music during those eras will be highlighted. The three components will be taken concurrently throughout the semester. More emphasis will be placed on the application of knowledge and technical skills in terms of performance and presentation individually and in-groups as an ensemble.As part of a performance based discipline, it is compulsory that all trainees must be seen to be participating in a performance ensemble after hours and not less than three hours from the trainees indirect contact hours must be spent on this.
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