The course covers and emphasizes on: Agrisilvicultural Systems-crops (including shrub, vine/trees crops-and trees) – Taungya, soil conservation practices, Multilayer tree garden, Multipurpose trees on crop lands, Plantation crop combinations, Home gardens, Trees in soil conservation and rehabilitation and protection, Shelterbelts and windbreaks, live hedges, Fuel wood production; Silvopastoral system (trees +crops +pastures/animals), Trees on rangeland or pasture, Protein/ fodder banks, Plantations crops with pastures and animals; Agrosilvopastoral system (trees + crops + pastures/animals/fish/honey), Home gardens involving animals, Multipurpose woody hedges/wood lots, Apiculture with trees Aquaforestry; Forest Nursery Management, Terminology, Location, site preparation, layout, watering, shading, sowing, plant protection, culling and grading, containerized seedlings, polythene bags, mudpots; Soil sampling and Analysis, Nutrient Form & Availability, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, magnesium, Sulphur, Micro-nutrients; Fe, Mn, Cu, & Z, Deficiency symptoms.
- Teacher: Matthew Saukuru
- Teacher: Paula Togaciri