The course covers and emphasizes on agroforestry systems such as agrisilvicultural systems, taungya, soil conservation practices, Multilayer tree garden, Multipurpose trees on crop lands, Plantation crop combinations, Home gardens, Trees in soil conservation and rehabilitation and protection, Shelterbelts and windbreaks, live hedges, Fuel wood production, Silvopastoral system (trees +crops +pastures/animals), Trees on rangeland or pasture, Protein/ fodder banks, Plantations crops with pastures and animals, Agrosilvopastoral system (trees + crops + pastures/animals/fish/honey), Macroscopic Character of Wood Composition & Structure of Wood Cells, Juvenile Wood, Reaction Wood, & Wood of Branches & Roots; Bark, Density and Specific Gravity, Wood and Water, Strength and Mechanics, Silvi-cultural Practices and Wood Quality; Lumber; Energy and Chemical Products; Structural Panel, Nonstructural Panels, Wood Durability and Protection, Fungi, Chemical Component - Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin. Cell Wall, and Chemical structure.
- Teacher: Paula Togaciri