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University Students & Substance Abuse

University Students & Substance Abuse

by Valentine Hazelman -
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University is a time for experimentation for many. Experimentation can lead to many of you engaging in risky behaviors. Your University years is a period characterized by transition, intense academic pressures, pressure from your peers as well as independence and increasing freedoms from parental supervision. During this period, opportunities to experiment with psychoactive substances, increases. Binge drinking, cigarette smoking and recreational drug use and abuse are some common problems among university students globally, and can lead to poor academic performance that in turn leads to poor productivity. Drug or alcohol abuse can harm your health, relationships, affect your studies and potentially your future.

Please be aware of the dangers of substance abuse.

** Download more information on the effects of Cigarettes, Marijuana, Alcohol, Inhalants, Meth or Ice in this flyer. **

Make Health your New High in Life. Say Yes to Health and Say No to Drugs!

Office of the Registrar.