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Be Prepared, Keep Calm: Cyclone Preparation Tips

Be Prepared, Keep Calm: Cyclone Preparation Tips

by Valentine Hazelman -
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Prior preparation for an incoming cyclone can help calm anxiety. Here are some safety tips that can help you get ready in the event of a cyclone.

  • Keep a list of emergency numbers relevant to your location.
  • Find out about evacuation plans and be ready for it.
  • Pack all necessary items in case you need to relocate.
  • Recharge your phone, and use it only for very important updates. If you have power banks, charge them too and keep them handy.
  • Take your prescribed medications, personal hygiene items and feminine supplies.


Sheltering at the hostel:

  • Stay indoors and take shelter, and follow the national safety announcements. Cooperate and work with the wardens or officers in charge.

Sheltering at home:

  • Turn off electricity and unplug appliances.
  • Stay in the strongest part of the house.
  • Keep your emergency kit with you.
  • Check your portable battery-operated radio or the internet if possible for status updates or new directives.
  • If your house starts breaking up, get under a solid table or bed and protect yourself with a mattress or blankets.


  • No matter how eager you are to re-start your life, experts say it’s best to take things slow after a cyclone.
  • If you evacuated during the storm, don’t return until authorities say it is safe to do so. This could mean waiting an extended period of time.
  • Once home, avoid electronic equipment and power lines.
  • Open windows to help dry the house.
  • Do not eat food from the refrigerator or drink tap water until you have checked for contamination. Boil drinking water.

If you are away from your family and loved ones, don’t worry. Share this information to them to prepare well. Pray and hope for the best for everyone.

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  • Dharnesh Raman | Uniclinic, Waimanu Road | Suva | Mobile: 896 0856 | Phone: 339 4000 | Ext: 3404 | Email:
  • Varsha Naidu | Counselling Room, Disability Centre, Nasinu Campus | Mobile: 8960857 | Phone: 339 4000 | Ext: 2979 | Email:
  • Kantha Mani | E Block, Natabua Campus | Lautoka | Mobile: 891 0854 | Phone: 666 7533 | Ext: 7828 | Email:

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Office of the Registrar.