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Expression of Interest-Application for the FNU Student Green Fund

Expression of Interest-Application for the FNU Student Green Fund

by Flora Bentley -
Number of replies: 0

The Student Green Fund is an initiative developed to contribute to delivering the commitments made in the FNU Sustainability Plan 2021-2026. The plan sets out our commitment to establish a Student Green Fund for student projects on sustainability from 2022 onwards.

  1. A proposal has to be from a team, of no more than five students per team. 
  2. Students can be registered on any FNU program (UG and PG) at the time the project commences. We encourage team members to be from different programs, bringing different knowledge and skillsets to the projects. No more than one PG student per team.
  3. Each project must evidence stakeholder engagement.
  4. In its launch year, the focus will be on the FNU sphere of local: working with our communities on clean-up drives (Sustainability Plan, p.8).

Teams to submit an expression of interest by filling out the application form on the link provided below. Teams who have addressed all criteria shall be invited to the Green Fund Pitch, after which the panel will recommend up to four projects for financial support.

Criteria will include:
  • Value for money.
  • Engagement with hard-to-reach groups who do not typically engage with universities.
  • Plans for project continuation beyond the life of the funded project itself.
  • Direct relevance to one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as adopted by the United Nations in 2015, as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
  • The overall strength of the proposal in terms of researched planning, costings, and the practicalities of delivery.
  • Timeframe for delivery. Note that each successful application will be expected to present the project and outcomes at an FNU event.


EOI Closing Date 29th August
Screening  30th August - 5th September
Green Fund Pitch 9th September


Please visit the FNU Sustainability Page for more information  Student Green Fund Application Form (


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