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Quick Tips: Take Care of Yourself First

Quick Tips: Take Care of Yourself First

by Valentine Hazelman -
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IT IS OKAY TO SAY “NO”: Stop saying “YES” to everyone and everything while neglecting yourself.

BE HONEST ABOUT YOUR LIMITS: Know you limits and work within them.

PRIORITIZE YOUR ACTIVITIES: You will be exhausted if you try to do everything all at once. Prioritize things and be okay with not being able to do everything. So breathe, relax and prioritize for tomorrow.

LEARN HOW TO ASK FOR HELP: Asking for help is a strength and not a weakness.

TAKE TIME TO REST: Your mind, body, soul, and spirit need rest. Learn how to give yourself a break from the drama in the world.

SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY: Work smart not hard, or you will always get exhausted.

SPEAK POSITIVELY TO YOURSELF: Your self-talk is incredibly important so speak empowering words into your own life.

SPEAK OPENLY AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS: Visit your counsellor and share your thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences openly in safe, comfortable and confidential environment.

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  • Kantha Mani | Natabua Campus | Mobile 891 0854 | Email
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