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Undergraduate Students' Survey: Examining Undergraduate Perceptions of Online Learning During COVID19 Lockdown

Undergraduate Students' Survey: Examining Undergraduate Perceptions of Online Learning During COVID19 Lockdown

by Valentine Hazelman -
Number of replies: 0

Undergraduate Students,

THE STUDY: COVID 19 while being an unprecedented global health crisis, has also brought immense challenges for teaching and learning in Fiji. In light of this pandemic, the Fiji National University (FNU), much like the other learning institutions around the world, closed down as the faculty and students were instructed to stay at home to prevent its spread. As a result, the University converted all the courses to the online mode to facilitate the completion of learning content for the remainder of the semester. The second wave, unfortunately, hit Fiji on April 19th, 2021 resulting in yet another lockdown. This study seeks to gather undergraduate students background information on the various aspects that would impact online learning and their perceptions about online learning at FNU during the 100 days lockdown in 2020 (during semester 1) and the current ones (Semester 1, and 2, 2021).

The research/ethics approval (FNU-HREC-21-006) has been obtained from the FNU's Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor Research. We will present/publish the results of this research in conferences/journals. Your input in this survey is valuable as it will help us enhance online learning and teaching. Please note that you have the right to not participate in the survey if you do not wish to do so, as your participation in this survey is VOLUNTARY. The participant's response to the questionnaire will remain confidential such that their identity will not be revealed. Therefore if you agree to be a participant, please continue reading on and fill this questionnaire. Your filling of this questionnaire will be considered as giving us your "informed consent" and we thank you for that.

Kindly note that the are three parts to this questionnaire. We sincerely thank you for your time in responding to this questionnaire.

Survey link: 

The survey closes on 30 November 2021.

For further information, please contact Dr. Zakia Ali-Chand via email