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Welcome Back to a New Normal

Welcome Back to a New Normal

by Valentine Hazelman -
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"The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.” –Oliver Wendell Holmes

  1. Acknowledge what has happened
    While it is crucial to acknowledge what we have been through over the past few months, it is vital to find a balance between the scale of the situation and the losses we have experienced. Having clarity on the effects of COVID -19 and what are the ongoing risks may be helpful.

  2. Be Realistic

    It can be overwhelming and challenging to start all over again. Identify activities that you can realistically achieve; list them, and work hard on it. It will make things more manageable and within control.

  3. Build Connections
    Return to campus /studies may be the first contact that pupils have had with each other in many weeks. Doing things in small groups can help repair lost connections, and a chance
    to talk individually.

  4. Be Positive
    Focus on building strong relationships and look to the future with confidence. It may alleviate some level of worry. Do not be too self -critical. Be kind to yourself, show compassion
    and step away from stressful situations and recenter/refocus. Allow some space for your self -care daily, such as taking walks, doing yoga exercises, having good humour.

  5. Look to Arts
    Creative arts can often help express feelings we struggle to put in words. Music, visual art and drama can provide an outlet for difficult emotions. Creating art can also bring friends /
    people together.

Everyone reacts differently to difficult situations, and it’s normal to feel stressed and worried during a crisis. If you are feeling unsecure, stressed, and need assistance, please feel free to contact your FNU Counsellors:

  • Kantha Mani
    E Block, Natabua Campus, Lautoka
    Mob: 891 0854 | Ph: 666 7533 Ext. 7828 | Email:

  • Varsha Naidu
    Counselling Room, Disability Centre, Nasinu Campus
    Mob: 896 0857 | Ph: 339 4000 Ext. 2979 | Email:

** Download the flyer for further help and support information beyond FNU. **

Office of the Registrar.