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Covid-19: Tips to Stay Socially Connected

Covid-19: Tips to Stay Socially Connected

by Valentine Hazelman -
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Social interactions among people are essential. We need to communicate with other people. For many, undoubtedly, COVID-19 lockdowns and work-from-home initiatives have reduced social interactions with
significant others in their lives. Being alone can turn into loneliness, during extended lockdown periods and continued social distancing.

Fortunately, there are ways we can stay socially connected. The tips below can be helpful:

  1. Digital devices: Can help to connect in person with other people. Have a routine chat time with family and friends.
  2. Listen to or make music: Listen to your favourite music or create a piece of music. Research has shown that music can reliably induce feelings of pleasure.
  3. Help someone in need: Being charitable provides a sense of social connectedness to many people.
  4. Make eye-contact: When talking to others, keep eye contact. It creates a calming connectedness state of being and sustains good feelings. It can be done through video calls.
  5. Trustworthy: Focus on commitments and the right reasons for people to trust you.

Please feel free to contact your FNU Counsellors:

  • Kantha Mani
    E Block, Natabua Campus, Lautoka
    Mob: 891 0854 | Ph: 666 7533 Ext. 7828 | Email:

  • Varsha Naidu
    Counselling Room, Disability Centre, Nasinu Campus
    Mob: 896 0857 | Ph: 339 4000 Ext. 2979 | Email:

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