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FNU Study Update [3 May 2021]

FNU Study Update [3 May 2021]

by Valentine Hazelman -
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Dear all,

The University acknowledges the challenging situation encountered by students and staff. FNU Senate met on 29 April 2021 and approved the following measures to ensure no student is disadvantaged as they progress with the courses they have enrolled in:

Online study
The Fiji National University (FNU) has renewed its agreement with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) Vodafone Fiji Limited and Digicel Fiji to allow its users to access the University website and Moodle platform free of charge. This means FNU students do not need data to view FNU webpages. Students will access resource materials, upload assignments, and download lecture notes and other materials free of charge from the FNU website.


  1. All teaching for the remainder of Semester 1/2021 will be online. The Centre for Flexible & E-Learning (Email: assists teachers with their online courses on Moodle.
  2. Colleges have fully suspended certain practical courses such as school-based and hospital practicums as per government guidelines. Similar arrangements for 2020 will apply, and all guidelines by the government will be followed to decide when it is feasible to complete these courses.
  3. All other industrial attachments are suspended as per government restrictions on this. Colleges are examining the requirements of the learning outcomes to explore different possibilities such as simulations and virtual labs to ensure outcomes are met. A decision on all industrial attachment arrangements for the future will be presented to Senate, which will have further details.


  1. Core activities and resources are available at revert to virtual sessions and support where possible.
  2. The Centre for Learning & Teaching Enhancement (Email: Student Support Specialists are available for virtual support in addition to running virtual workshops. 
  3. Senate has approved that focused learning support be given to first-year students; the Centres in charge of this will proactively reach out to all first-year students to provide all necessary support.


  1. All students will be allowed to complete their assessment with flexibility throughout the semester, quarter and trimester. This ensures that no student is penalised for late submissions.
  2. Any student who cannot submit their assignments by the end of the term will not be failed but given an “I” grade. This grade means the student can still submit their assessment for the terms throughout the year 2021 after informing their College Deans and Lecturers.
  3. If students are able to complete their assessment by the end of the term but fail, they will be given supplementary assessments without any fee or charge.
  4. Practical components that cannot be converted into an online mode will be done at a later date, subject to clearance post-COVID-19.

Students are encouraged to contact their College for specific details of the teaching, learning, and assessment of their course. Students may also contact the Office of the Registrar via email Students and staff will receive regular updates by email, telephone, and general notices on social media & Moodle.

Professor Toby Wilkinson,


Ketan Lal,
FNU Students' Association