History, scope and use of veterinary radiology. Radiographic imaging apparatus; properties of radiographic images, factors influencing production, quality and quantity of radiographic images. Radiographic image formation and recording. Principles of viewing and interpreting radiographic films; variations of normal images, classification of radiographic lesions. Contrast radiography; contrast materials, uses, indications and contraindications. Biological effects of radiation; radiation hazards, prevention and safety measures. Principles of ultrasonography and its applications in veterinary practice. Principles of radiation therapy; isotopes and their uses in diagnosis and therapy. Principles and application of computed tomography (CT) scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), xeroradiography and Doppler. Physiotherapy: classification and application in veterinary practice. Lameness: its definition, classification, diagnosis, grading and relation to body conformation. Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of: In horses: fetlock and foot; contraction of digital flexors, splints, monday morning disease, crucial paralysis, rupture of round ligament, trochanteric bursitis, thoroughpin and stringhalt. In bovine: lameness, contusion of sole, ulceration of sole, avulsion of hoof, interdigital fibroma, hoof deformities, septic laminitis, subluxation of patella, upward fixation of patella, gonitis, rupture of Achilles tendon and joint diseases. Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of specific joint diseases in dogs. Definition, etiology, classification, clinical signs of fracture, fracture healing and complications, application of external and internal immobilization for repair of fracture of different bones in small and large animal. Diseases of tendon, tendon sheath, bursa and ligaments. Spinal cord trauma and its management.
- Teacher: Abubakar Danmaigoro