The purpose of this unit is to provide information on: This Unit introduces students to Climate - introduction, basic concepts. Heat transfer across the world; Concept of energy balance and greenhouse effect. History of Earth’s Climate. Causes of climate change; Anthropogenic factors accelerating climate changes. Climate Change & Animal Biodiversity. El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Tropical cyclones, hurricane, and typhoon Climate change mitigation strategies (transportation, power, other sectors). Climate change impact and vulnerabilities. Disaster Risk Management, Food Security and livestock production, understanding the risk, severity and frequency of natural disasters. Community adaptations to climate change. Impacts of Climate change on animal production and quality of animal Food Products. Feeding strategies in response to climate change. Economics of Climate Change. Managing Forest Carbon in a Changing Climate. Disaster risk profiling: hazard, risk and vulnerability assessments in the livestock sector and challenges for establishing a sustainable agricultural system. Destocking, commercial destocking and slaughter destocking with meat distribution, livestock feed supplementation, emergency water supply for livestock, emergency veterinary care, restocking.