This unit would introduce the students to agroforestry systems, land use in Fiji, silvopastoral and agrisilvipastoral system - components, production techniques, soil conservation and watershed management, agroforestry in Fiji and Pacific – objects and needs, traditional agroforestry systems in Fiji and the Pacific, home gardens- introduction, structure and composition, agroforestry tree species in Fiji - tree crop combinations, silviculture practices, aquasilvipastoral system- introduction and components, production techniques, permaculture – introduction and concept, basics of permaculture design. The unit would further introduce the students to social forestry – introduction and definition, social forestry in the tropical countries, components of social forestry – community forestry, farm forestry, extension forestry, recreation forestry and urban forestry, social forestry programme for development - role of international aid agencies like SIDA, CIDA, World Bank, USAID, SPC in promotion of social forestry at community level, forestry extension - introduction and importance, principles and role of forestry extension, forestry extension programmes in Fiji, people’s participation in forestry programmes and rural development - importance of motivation in forestry programmes, role of different stakeholders in forestry programmes, types of motivation and scope of rural development, transfer of technology: introduction, steps, characteristics, importance and purpose. This unit would also answer questions on ethics and religion and moral universalism versus moral (cultural) relativism - what is the relationship between morality and religion?, does morality depend on religion?, why is religion a controversial issue? are there universal and objective moral principles valid for people in all societies or does moral rightness vary from society to society.